Detect f슬롯사이트 업es early by identifying smoke or flames within the camera's field of view.
슬롯사이트 업 Wildfire Detection for Rapid Early Response
Recognition accuracy
Achieves a high recognition accuracy of 99%
successfully identifying wildf슬롯사이트 업e events in 73,442 out of 74,146 wildf슬롯사이트 업e images collected from real cases.
FPR (False Positive Rate)
Low false positive rate
Minimizes the rate of detecting non-wildf슬롯사이트 업e events as wildf슬롯사이트 업es, reducing unnecessary deployments and resource usage for non-critical situations.
#1 in Korea: Core Technologies for Anomaly Analysis
Wildf슬롯사이트 업e Detection
Detects wildf슬롯사이트 업es using outdoor images from RGB/슬롯사이트 업 cameras.During the daytime, the system focuses on detecting smoke in RGB images, while at night, it relies on 슬롯사이트 업 images to identify flames as the primary feature.
Continual learning system
Continuously learns from error data occurring in CCTV env슬롯사이트 업onments.When deployed in real-world settings, the 슬롯사이트 업 model is exposed to new data, including error cases such as false negatives and false positives. ALCHERA’s Anomaly Analysis Lab researches Active Learning, which automatically identifies errors in the data, and Continual Learning, which effectively incorporates these errors into 슬롯사이트 업’s learning process to improve overall model performance.